what does it mean when a demon is in ur dream?

So I had this dream last night and it kinda scared me. I was laying in bed and sleeping and then all the sudden my cat named oreo who died came in and laid down but she had red eyes and was bleeding from the stomach. I immediately got up from my bed and onto the floor saying u aren’t my cat and it kept acting like my cat and stuff. but at some point it realized I wasn’t falling for it and got mad so I kicked my cat away and then it acted like I hurt my cat so I would check if its okay and this went on for a couple minutes and then it said something to me but I don’t remember. then it tried to be my dog that I sleep with and there was two dogs but somehow I managed to find the real one. and then I was back on the floor and by a book and I slammed my hand on it and started saying “I banish u! I banish u!” and then it start to say ur god is weak and stuff like that and finally it showed up in a picture of the book and said fine i’ll leave ( and something else I forgot xD) and then I torn the book into seven pieces but then behind me somehow a bathtub facet turned on and I turned it off and grabbed my dog and head down stairs to her and I brought her to a hallway and she was asking whats wrong? but all I remember is turning around and looking in a mirror of myself and saying “u won’t believe me” so what does this all mean? pls tell me it freaked me out. ( also I do have dreams of my cat coming and laying close me in my bed or it walking around me in my bed but without the red eyes and bleeding. could that be my cat’s spirit visiting me?) thanks for the answers!

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  • I could only take some wild guesses and maybe you’ll react to one of them. You’re the only one that really will know. I believe that everything in a dream is an aspect of the dreamer (you).

    So you’ve got absolutely trustworthy and lovable creatures, cat & dog. Animals in dreams can represent natural instincts. But something evil is trying to trick you, using these forms. But it doesn’t fool you at all. It terrorizes you.

    Is there an issue in your life where natural instincts seem good but you are afraid that you’ll grab the wrong thing? The devil in disguise? A wolf in sheep’s clothing?

    The book might be the Bible? Why did it go into a book – because it came from a book? That’s an idea worth exploring.

    Re bathtub – water in a dream often represents consciousness – you turned it off, so you stayed in the dream without an answer.

    And then you’re looking at yourself in a mirror saying “You won’t believe me” – aspects of yourself, both real. But there’s something you’re hiding from yourself. Part of you won’t listen, won’t believe, what the other part has to say. But it must, because a nightmare is always important. You must get all of you on the same side together. It might be something simple, like your usually generous self has a selfish aspect – something like that.

    Tearing the book in seven pieces is an important image, probably religious, but I don’t know.

    Can you get a counselor to talk to? Somebody who would be comfortable with the imagery in the dream, maybe know a lot about that kind of stuff.

    My own source for dream analysis is C.G. Jung.

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