what happened in the that caused problems in france?


  • France was having some difficult times in the years leading up to .

    Widespread drought and hard winters had hurt the wheat crops, driving up the cost of bread (the staple of the French diet). Many of France’s poor could hardly afford to eat.

    The Kingdom’s defecit was at all time high. The nation was deep in debt due to the costly wars and foreign policies of King Louis XVI’s predecessors, Louis XIV and Louis XV.

    An unfair feudal taxation system was still in place where the Clergy and the Nobility were exempt from paying taxes, while the peasants and the bourgeoisie were the sole supporting tax base. Such an unfair system of taxation lead to % of the French population supporting the % which constituted the Nobility, the Clergy, and the Royal Household.

    Conspicuous consumption and decadent lifestyles of the Royal Court and the Nobility at Versailles were driving the kingdom deeper into debt. While peasants were starving, the Royal Court was throwing lavish soireés and banquets. Such an indifferent attitude towards the kingdom’s problems galvanized public opinion against the monarchy.

    By helping the American rebels in the American Revolution, France had drained its treasury. Worsening the financial crisis of the kingdom.

    Hope all this helps,


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