What is the best book to use for the AP English Literature book essay?

I’m taking the AP Lit exam tomorrow, and I’m wondering if anyone could give me a brief summary/analysis of a good book to use for the final essay where you have to choose a book? Which book do you think would be the best over arching book in that it can address many different types of prompts? Please include an analysis/summary. Thanks. I just wanted some ideas in case I can’t think of what to write about….

It should probably be a classic (IE, heart of darkness, frankenstein….)

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  • I know this is really late (and it won’t do you any good at this point) but I ended up using Jane Eyre, but my English teacher had us prepare books of our choosing that fit certain criteria (ie a tragedy, character vs. society, one with a lot of movement, a dystopian society one, etc.). We went through all the old essay questions and discussed which books we could use for each, and how, and kids chose through that based on the ones they’d actually read, and/or the ones they liked. I had prepared Jane Eyre (my essay was still horrible), Frankenstein (this was my tragedy, as it has tragic elements, and I kept getting Oedipus and King Lear mixed up), Mayor of Casterbridge, Regeneration (LOVE this book, I strongly recommend it), and . I had also read A Thousand Splendid Suns over the summer for the class, which I absolutely adored, but I hadn’t prepared it for the exam (although once I saw the question, I really wish I had) because the names were too difficult for me to remember and keep straight (it’s that whole thing where you recognize the name as you’re reading it, but you can’t pronounce it, or even call it to mind when you tell someone about the book, because you just recognize the characters on the page). I have trouble keeping track of my Pakistani friends’ families names, never mind a whole novel 🙂

    Source(s): I’m a senior, and I just took the AP English Lit exam as well 🙂

  • Ap English Literature Books

    Source(s): https://shrinks.im/baTp

  • Ap Literature Books

    Source(s): https://shrink.im/bamX

  • It depends on the question, but you can use the book “Don Quixote” for just about anything. The only downside is that it is very long and rather complicated.

    Great Expectations also deals with many themes, and it’s also a great book to use.

    Books like Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit , Heart of Darkness, and Oedipus Rex are great to use, but they don’t cover as wide a range of topics as books like Great Expectations.

  • Heart of Darkness, Hamlet, Lord of the Flies, The Catcher in the Rye, How to Kill a Mockingbird, The Sound and the Fury, Antigone, A Streetcar Named Desire

    Source(s): AP English teacher

  • Reading the booklet instead of enjoying the movie is the best way to see what the author intended. Reading uses your creativeness, hones your reading skills, and can make your vocabulary

  • Watching tv is easier but I enjoy reading catalogs more

  • I mean since its tomorrow you could always go with a Crash Course book.

    Oh sorry I didn’t read your question properly. Can’t fail with Spark Notes.

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