What is your opinion on gay marriage?

I don’t want to start a large scale debate because what I have noticed is debates quickly turn into arguments and usually someone ends up getting hurt physically or emotionally. So anyways I’m supporting it because for one thing I don’t understand why the government needs to be so involved in people’s personal lives. My parents are homophobic so I understand the viewpoint from the opposing side but that does not mean that I accept it. I know what the Bible says but people have a right to love anyone they choose and they don’t have to follow the Bible if they are Christian or not. So basically what are your opinions? Feel free to elaborate on your decision and I know this is a sensitive topic and therefore should be discussed in a sensitive matter. Therefore meaning please stay away from offensive and rude comments.


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  • I am gay, and married. We really don’t care what anyone else thinks. Good day!

  • Well, at least nobody’s going to get punched in the nose online…

    I don’t believe in “gay marriage.” I believe in MARRIAGE EQUALITY. “Gay” marriage is a buzzword used by right-wing homophobes to make it sound like we want some special goodies that they don’t get, and that’s just not the case.

    The US Constitution promises “equal justice under the law.” The Founding Fathers DELIBERATELY kept religion out of government because they had seen what a mess it made of England. The Founders addressed this question EXPLICITLY:

    “The Government of the United States is NOT, in ANY sense, founded on the Christian Religion.” — John Adams

    “History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”

    -Thomas Jefferson, Dec. 6, 1813.

    “Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”-Thomas Jefferson, February 10, 1814

    “… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and State.”-TJ Jan. 1, 1802

    During the Bush2 years, the right wing started a propaganda campaign that consisted of one sentence: “America has always been a Christian nation.” It has been nothing of the kind. Politicians have been using that lie to rally right-wing, so-called Christians to “take back” America — taking back something they never owned.

    I’d like to see ALL unions be reclassified, in the eyes of the government, as “CIVIL UNIONS.” We DO need laws that deal with domestic arrangements — property, responsibility for children, the rights of a homemaker who supports a wage-earner if they divorce — but there is no reason to drag religion into it.

    Religion was the basis of the English civil war and these bozos are trying to start an American civil war. It’s a bad idea. Superstition is always a bad foundation for laws that affect everyone.

    The US Supreme Court ruled in the 70’s, on the issue of interracial marriage, that the right to marry the person of one’s choice is a basic civil right. (Let’s remember that the bible was once used to justify slavery and misegenation laws.)

    Science has proven that same-sex attraction is a normal, healthy expression of human sexuality. The same people who call us “evil” are the people who, a hundred years ago, would try to “exorcise the devil” from someone having an epileptic seizure.

    Ignorance and stupidity are not a good basis for law.

  • I think that it should be allowed.

    However, there’s the issue of religion saying that it cannot be allowed and a freedom of religion, so maybe at least some sort of civil union.

    I mean my uncle is gay and has a boyfriend and they’re getting a civil union suit and they’re perfectly fine doing it. They don’t even like the idea of marriage as long as people know they’re together ^_^

    Have a nice day.


  • “i believe in marriage between man and woman. that’s what marriage to me is. commitment between two sexes so that they could raise offspring together. i don’t really care for homosexuals. not saying i hate them, but i don’t LOVE them either.”

    -Spoken like a true Jerry Springer guest. Your opinion is baseless bullsh*t. Marriage is NOT yours to define. I am gay and am entitled to the same rights as you trailer park living, crackhead, fat daughter raising, welfare monkeys. Didn’t I see you on that “who’s my baby daddy” on Maury ?! HAHA. Ya, you straight people are so great at marriage.

    “i don’t really care for homosexuals. not saying i hate them, but i don’t LOVE them either.”

    -Oh be honest, you b*tch. It’s okay, you hate homosexuals. Admit it, you are a nasty bigot, it’s okay. Just don’t be a liar.

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  • Honestly, I think gay marriage is something that does not need government intervention. I suspect that in hopefully less than about 10 years, all states will have legal same sex marriage. You have to understand that at one point in this country, interracial marriages between a white and non-white person were also illegal. Anyone who is against gay marriage now will soon see how wrong it was to every think it is okay to deny someone marriage to the one they love.

  • i believe in marriage between man and woman. that’s what marriage to me is. commitment between two sexes so that they could raise offspring together. i don’t really care for homosexuals. not saying i hate them, but i don’t LOVE them either.


    and i think the prick below me should calm the f*ck down. just like you have the right to say that rubbish, any other person has the right to perceive and attain their own meaning of what they believe marriage is. no need to get all hyperactive over a simple question, or else when time comes around it’ll be you who is kicked to the curb.

  • Well, I believe all people are equal, so gay people should have the same rights as the straight people do.

  • It is the natural right of any free, responsible human being to marry whomsoever and howeversomany of other free, responsible human beings as he or she chooses. Period. End of discussion. Anybody who thinks seriously, to dispute another free and responsible human being’s right to marry whomsoever and howeversomany of other free and responsible human beings as he or she wishes, should have his or her insufferably intrusive face roundly b¡tch-slapped, and his or her judgmental @ss kicked swiftly to the curb.

  • i think gay marriage should be between a man and a woman

    Source(s): Arnold Schwarzenegger

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