What time does your 8-10 year old go to bed every school night ? Thanks :)?


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  • Well, at 8-10 years old my daughter had dance until 8 pm some nights. With homework to do and needing some time for relaxation, I set her bedtime at 9 pm. She didn’t have to get up until 7:45, so that was lots of sleep.

    Around that age, she found that she’d go to bed at 9 pm but not fall asleep until 10 or 10:30. She was still getting up on time all by herself, had plenty of energy, and was healthy. She asked if her bedtime could be 10 pm. I told her she could try it, but if it affected her energy, health, or time she could get herself up in the morning, we’d go back to an earlier bedtime. She started going to bed at 10 and it worked very well for her.

  • My son is 10 and goes to bed between 9-9:30 on school nights. He has to get up at 7:30 to catch his bus at 8:30.

  • Well I have an 8 year old brother and a 10 year old sister and they both sleep at 8: on weekdays. On weekends they sleep at 10-11.

  • When I was that age I went about 8:30

  • My littles ones are 5, 7, 10 and they go to bed at 9pm and they get up at 6:30 each school morning.

  • How many times are you going to ask this?

    It depends when they have to get up, but my kids went to bed between 8 and 8.30 at that sort of age.

    Edit: Since you are 16 years old, why do you care? You can’t be a parent of a child that age, and it’s none of your business when your siblings or friends go to bed. Seriously, worry about your own life and responsibilities.

  • My child bedtime is 9pm during school week

    It been that way since 8 or 9

    They get more sleep at that age, since 6th grade, she have to get up an hour early

    If you child is getting up 7am, that is more than 8 hours

    It’s really up to you

    Have friends that need to drop the child off at day care to get to work for 7am, they are at 8am

    That because they need to get up at 6 to get to day care to wait to get the bus at 8am

  • I’m eleven, and I go to bed at 9. Actually, I have to in half an hour

  • To their rooms 7pm and one hr of quiet reading or drawing to settle from the day 🙂

    School holidays it will vary but special privileges are allowed 🙂

  • 8:45 – no later than 9PM.

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