When someone says brb or hold on then how long should it take for them to get back to you?

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  • Depends on the person. For some of my friends brb means ‘bye’, for others brb means a few hours or a few minutes. Online communication is so disconnected that I really do not think it is against etiquette to even vanish from a conversation given the large variety of things that could be happening on the other side.
  • brb = be right back, it’s supposed to only be a few minutes maybe 15-20 at most. those who take it longer just don’t care
    hold on = supposed to be hold on a moment/second, so it’s short too. shorter than brb

    if they afk = away from keyboard, then they could be gone for a good while. but they will be back, even if it takes a few hours or more

  • I agree that it depends on the person. Though I usually think it would take 5-30 minutes depending on what they had to do. Any longer they would tell me they would talk to me later or let me know before they say “brb” or “hold on” that it is going to awhile and ask if they can call me back or if I can wait..

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