when the blood groups of spouse differs, is it harmful to newborn baby ?

I heard, when the blood group of husband and wife are different or different RH factor, it is harmful to pregnant mother. Is it correct ? What should be healthy blood groups of spouse, for healthy pregnancy ?


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  • Blood groups are not an issue.

    What CAN be an issue is the RH factor. If the mother is RH negative and the father is RH positive, if the baby is also positive then it can cause the mother to produce antibodies. This doesn’t usually cause problems with the first pregnancy, but can cause issues with later pregnancies, leading to miscarriages or babies with health problems.

    Fortunately today, problems are rare, because pregnant women have their blood type checked, and if the RH incompatablity exists, she will be given medication prevent problems.

  • If a baby has an RH positive father and RH negative mother, there can be some complications. However, there is an injection the doctor will give to the mother that will take care of it easily.

  • I literally just went through this. I am rh negAtive and my husband is positive, our baby turned out to be positive. When I was 26 weeks i got a injection called winrho, and again 24 hours PP. there were absolutely nooo complications

  • I assume you are talking specifically about blood type. There isn’t anything majorly dangerous about different blood types, however I’ve learned that if your blood is incompatible then chances are greater that you will have to deal with a little jaundice at birth. That doesn’t affect the children though any as they get older.

  • That’s not true.

    It doesnt matter what blood group’s the parents are as long as there normal health is okay.

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