Wht is the company's ROE?

If jPhone, Inc., has an equity multiplier of 1.41, total asset turnover of 1.70, and a profit margin of 8 percent.

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  • 1. Let us assume that the company’s assets are $100.

    2. The equity will be:

    Total Assets / Total Stockholders’ Equity = 1.41

    $100 / Total Stockholders’ Equity = 1.41

    $100/ 1.41 = Total Stockholders’ Equity

    $70.9 = Total Stockholders’ Equity

    3. Turnover:

    $100 * 1.70 = $170

    4. Profit:

    8% of $170 = $13.6

    5. ROE (Return on Equity):

    ($13.6/$70.9) *100 = 19.18%




    Definition of ‘Equity Multiplier’

    A measure of financial leverage. Calculated as:

    Total Assets / Total Stockholders’ Equity




    Source(s): Management Accountancy

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