Why am I getting this error when I'm trying to run my first java application?

ok so I recently downloaded the JDK SE 6

i bought a book, and i’m starting with it’s first program

it’s called saluton mondo [hello world], and i really don’t think i wrote the program incorrectly

i’ve compiled the program by saying “javac Saluton.java” in the command prompt, and it’s successfully added a Saluton.class file

but when i try to actually run it by saying “java Saluton” it says

“Error occurred during initialization of VM

java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object”

how do i fix this? i’ve only tried reinstalling it so far

1 Answer

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  • Im not an expert at scripts, but it looks like theres somthing int he language section that dosent have a correct class, or isnt lined right, or somthing like that, i would open the script and look for that piece of it, then search for any errors.

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