Why are Christians emotionally and mentally happier than Atheists?

why is it easy for most atheists to be a mental or emotional wreck?


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  • I don’t know, but maybe it could be because Christians have a sense of hope, and Atheists, just feel like they will live until they die, then that’s it.

  • They’re not. And I notice that you provide no data whatsoever to back up your assertion. I am a churchgoing agnostic, so I see both sides of this question. I am as happy as any of the Christians I know. Maybe more so than some, less so than others, but on average I would say it breaks even.

    Personally, I am also quite intelligent and am quite stable both emotionally and mentally.

    In other words, without data, you are talking out your derriere-opening.

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • Cite?

    Sweden seems pretty darn stable with happy and well adjusted citizens, and it’s a primarily atheistic country.

    Theists tend to be more emotionally wrecked and mentally weak needing religion to be a security blanket because they can’t face reality of our own mortality and only having one life. Whereas atheists don’t have the deep ridden guilt instilled by religious beliefs to be afraid to “step out of line” or else we’d burn for all eternity after death. Not being shackled by religion is quite freeing and less of an emotional burden.

  • Why do Christians tell these lies?!

    Desperate or what!

    But do keep posting like this as it is a great recruiting tool for atheism!

    Christianity down over ten per cent in less than a decade and the loss is increasing!

    Well done!

  • God has good pleasure in comforting people.

    Problem is though, that comfort can only come when God is believed into. Without this believing into Him, we essential reject His comforter. God is the righteous creator and will not go outside of who He is. When His creature desires Him, that desiring, invites Him into the environment of the creature. The so called atheist, supposes he is hidden within his purposed ignorance. God will not violate that purposing to be unavailable to the reality. God is not a respecter of persons, but He respects our purposed Independence.

    Those who purposely depend on Him, then are most blessed, because it is His good pleasure to comfort all who will call upon Him.

    Source(s): Second Corinthians 1: 3 – 6

  • that relies upon upon the type you define “convert”. a young person whose mom and father pound faith into his impressionable little head from the time he can walk is a sufferer of brainwashing, now no longer a convert from atheism to a spiritual ideology. How approximately you make the main of in basic terms slightly usual experience good here and anticipate that as quickly as we are saying “hardly everyone converts from atheism to installation a believer” that we are on the subject of adults who’re able of making the alternative.

  • I don’t think that’s true. People from all walks of life suffer mental and emotional health issues. Nobodys life is perfect!

    Source(s): Social Services Student and Pagan

  • I sometimes wish I had a strong belief in God! I see others get comfort from THEIR BELIEFS. But .. I can’t just make myself believe something that TO ME makes no sense.

    I do think that those who deeply believe in God probably have a set of coping skills that comes with that. There’s comfort in it for them. That’s a good thing as long as my beliefs are respected too. I have learned other ways of coping that maybe they haven’t. To each his own!

  • You mean like the Christians who visit this website asking if they’re going to burn for eternity because of some insignificant accidental negative thought they had about God ten years ago? Some Christians make it sound like God is monitoring every single thought that comes into their heads — they sound downright miserable to me.

  • I’m an Atheist, but I’m doing great! Well, except for the Christians trying to “awaken” me…

  • I wouldn’t say so. Having the burden of a god watching every action and thought that you make and the constant danger of endless hell for yourself and having to believe that others are deserving of the same can be quite distressing.

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