Why do many people leave negative or irrational comments on Youtube?

I would like to get some feedback from others on why there are many people who leave negative or irrational comments on Youtube. Actually, I have noticed this on other websites too, such as news pages, and other video sharing sites, but I just mainly want to focus on Youtube. Normally, when I view videos on Youtube, I don’t read through all of the comments that people leave, but I do read through some of them. I myself don’t normally comment. I have noticed that many of the negative comments that are posted are directed towards content that has been made in recent years. Sometimes if someone posts a video clip from a TV show that was made perhaps decades ago, they will say something like “they don’t make them like this anymore”, or “this is quality entertainment, but everything now is trash”. I have seen comments similar to this posted many times on Youtube. I do understand to some degree what people are saying, and do think that there probably were more quality shows and stuff on TV in years past, but I can’t I honestly believe that all of the TV programming, music, etc., that we have today is as bad as people are making it out to be. I myself haven’t watched TV in over four years, so I am not completely familiar with what is being shown. However, I didn’t stop watching TV because of the lack of quality stuff on television, it’s just that I spend much of my time with my computer and internet, and I have found that you can get news, weather, and many other things from the internet instead of TV or radio. People seem to compare today’s society a lot with society years ago. I do understand that things do change and have changed over the years, but sometimes I think people have overemphasized the way society has changed and are sometimes exaggerating. For example, someone left a comment on a TV show clip that I watched a while back on Youtube. Someone commented on an acctress from the 1960s era. It was something like “you don’t see actresses like her anymore, they used to do it for the love of the profession, but now it is strictly about money”. I am not saying that this person is right or wrong necessarily, but I am not sure if that is entirely true. I can’t honestly believe that every celebrity would become an actor or actress just for the money. If so, then we really do live in a world of greed! Someone else left a comment saying that music has become quite bad over the last 20 years or so. I really can’t give my opinion on that, since I am not completely familiar with today’s music. I haven’t listened to any current music in a while. It disturbs me, becuase it seems like people are suggesting that pretty much everything today has deteriorated into the worst possible condition. That may be true for some things, but everything? I find that hard to believe. If music is that bad, then why would anyone continue to buy music today, or listen to the radio? If movies and television shows are that bad, then I assume that the movie theaters would be empty, and no one would bother owning a television set. I still watched television up until 29, and I couldn’t tell myself it was that bad. I know that there has always been good and bad shows and music also, and I’m sure it will always be that way. Another thing that disturbs me, is when people leave irrational and off the wall comments about events in the world today. Some person left a crazy comment about a recent tragedy that happened this week when there was an explosion at fertilizer plant in Texas. She left some crazy comment about “disasters are getting worse, I believe the end times are near”. What on earth does an explosion at a plant have to do with “end of the world” or “end of time?” I have seen people leave other crazy comments about something terrible happening in our future because of bad things happening in our world, such as a natural disaster, or other things. Some of the videos that people upload on Youtube itself are quite bizarre and off the wall, but I won’t get into that here, since I just want to focus on the comments. It just annoys me that many people think pretty much everything is bad now compared to many years ago. I do agree to some extent that things have gotten worse like crime, or perhaps natural disasters, or the economy, but I don’t think that people ought to leave all of those crazy comments about predicting future events, when no one has the ability to do that. I just would rather see people leave more positive and rational comments, rather than crazy or senseless ones. I am not saying people shouldn’t leave some negative comments if they wish, since everyone has the right to free speech. Does anyone else believe that people leave too many negative or crazy comments on Youtube and other websites?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Contrary to popular belief, we are NOT an intelligent civilization. There are far more idiots than smart people in the World.

  • Answerer 2

    Because they have nothing better to do.

  • Answerer 3

    Because people feel better when they make someone else feel bad and there are many trolls on the internet. Also I think there are more important things for you to concern your self with than the negativity and stupidity of other who you don’t know.

    Who cares

  • Answerer 4

    Agreed ^ I’ve wondered that same thing

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