Why do people who aren’t very tidy and lazy expect people to be clean?

I know someone who is lazy and hates doing stuff for herself. her house is usually dirty too. her room is a mess and lets not get on her bathroom but when she has company or her children, she expects everyone around her to be clean and tidy. where is the logic in that? what ever happened to leading by example. this annoys me. she’s too lazy to clean herself but wants maids around her.

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  • Such people project their wishes onto others. It is a psychological thing which indicates some minor mental disorder. Why depends on trauma that the individual has not yet managed to get past.

  • A friend who is a therapist once told me that is because a person is controlling. They want everything to appear to be a certain way when it really isn’t. It’s disturbing to watch someone live in a dirty and unhealthy environment. It is unhealthy for kids to live in a messy environment and unsanitary as well.

    Maybe you could recommend a cleaning company that she could have come in and take care of her home. Perhaps once she realizes how nice it is to live in a clean area, she will begin to keep it up. Other than that, you may just have to put up with the situation.

    Source(s): http://www.chatelaine.com/living/social-quandary-o…

  • Their used of people doing everything for them when they are growing up and still expect that. Children should alway be made to clean up and do things so when they are older they will always be use to cleaning and stuff.

  • When by herself, she doesnt care if its dirty because she’s lazy. But when around others, she wants to look good and wants everyone to help her look neat.

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