Why is my reflection upside down on the top side of a spoon?

Today I was having breakfast, and I looked into my spoon, and noticed I was upside down.

Why does this happen?

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? Best Answer

  • The spoon is acting as a concave mirror. When an object is beyond the focal length of a concave mirror, the image is reduced in size and inverted. That’s what you were seeing.

    If you want to continue that experiment, then slowly bring an object nearer and nearer to the inside of the spoon. You would see a magnified, upright image when you have brought the object inside the focal length. Patience and good observation is a prerequisite for this, both of which you probably have!
    – Chosen by Asker

  • It’s because of the curvature of the spoon. On the opposite side you should appear normal.

  • It is a concave mirror, which inverts the image.

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