Woman answers please?

why does my wife get pissed when I look at porn I have to hide it like I am a child. her views on it are if I watch it I will cheat on her. Not true I admit I want to cheat with a porn type woman but its not because I look at porn I am very sexual and I could have sex for hours my wife can’t keep up I need some type of outlet. do you think what she says is true or just a way to control me and how can I make her realize its just visual nothing towards her

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Many women don’t like it and many women hate it when their men look at it. They think that their men like the girls in the video better. Me personally, I’d watch it w/ u:)
    – Chosen by Asker
  • As with anything if you do to much of it you can become addicted. If it is offensive to your wife than why do it? Everyone is in titled to their opinion and you think it will not cause a problem, but it is. You have a concern from your wife, so it is causing a relationship issue.

    Who is more important, the women in the pictures or your wife? If you struggle with the answer to that then you have a problem.

    You admit that you want sex with the porn type woman. Eventually you will act out on your desires and it will not matter to much what she looks like.

  • Your wife feels insecure because you are looking at porn and when you hide it (and she finds out) it makes her feel even more insecure. I would suggest doing it in the shower like a lot of men do. No porn used, just a little extra “cleansing” time.

    I would also suggest making your wife feel appreciated. When she does the laundry a simple “thanks honey” is appreciated. Sometimes women start doing things to be nice (for me it was cooking breakfast on the weekends) and eventually they become expected. Do your best to help out around the house and show your wife that you appreciate what she does.

    Personal Experience

  • if you feel the need to have to hide it from your wife than i think you have a problem and need some help. You should respect her views on porn and take her thoughts into consideration. You just said it yourself that you would want to cheat with a porn type of woman, a woman is a woman so you just proved her point. Once again you said it is visual and it is nothing towards her. Thats the problem how would you feel if she watched porn all the time with only GUYS in it would you want to watch it? i dont think so. Im not trying to be mean im just trying to show you the otherside of the story.
    I hope this helped and you will talk to your wife about your problem.

  • She’s not trying to control you. What she IS doing is telling you if you continue, it will have a negative impact on your marriage. It makes her feel bad when you look at other naked women. You are getting sexually aroused from another woman’s body. I consider it mental cheating. How would you like your wife watch your friend dance, or have sex in front of her and get aroused? It’s only a short step to cheating. Sure you don’t know those women, but you’ve already admitted you’d cheat if given the opportunity. Why don’t you come up with another outlet that involves her. You’ve have a problem, see a therapist.

  • well you kinda just answered your question, she is scared that you will cheat, and you said you want to with that type of woman. In the same sentence though she need to respect that you have an outlet and you aren’t looking else were. My boyfriend hated that I watched porn and we split up for a while and now I find it in all his stuff to, have you asked her to watch it with you… Maybe that will help. Some woman like watching woman on woman or other women having sex. Ask her what she thinks you guys should do as a couple because in all realness this is a problem for both of you.

    Good Luck!

  • I don’t know why some women are like that. I personally do not care if my husband looks at porn. Shoot, I watch it with him sometimes. Everyone has fantasies. Just explain to her that you only watch it to stimulate yourself. Explain to her that it has nothing to do with her or wanting someone else, just that you have a high sex drive.

    As far as cheating on her, I would say no! While I don’t mind some good porno movies, I am against cheating. You took vows to be faithful to your wife, and that it what you are supposed to do.

  • What you don’t understand is that your wife is feeling VERY self concsious when you watch porn. She obviously thinks you don’t love her or her body or her sex as much as you used to and that is why you look at porn, its what will be going through her mind. Maybe, if you love your wife very much, you should control yourself. You don’t have to be as sexually active and if your married, you shouldn’t really be watching porn. But talk to her. x]

  • you my friend are a sex addict. i believe she must truly be bothered by it because she must feel like, WOW< AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!! i mean think about it. if you had sex daily, but your wife still needed to look at porn and get off, without you there, wouldn’t you feel like YOU are doing something wrong. it must hurt her feelings, but she wont tell you that. if you need to look at porn daily and you would rather watch that than make your wife happy, you are an addict.

  • me personally if my husband watches porn i wouldn’t be upset because that’s entertainment for them. But if he’s cheating physically then that’s another thing. I feel that men are more sexual than woman and this is a colorful world we live in. I would rather him look at woman on porn than look at men. what the hell he gonna look at it anyway. Men look at porn to prevent from cheating.

  • I wouldn’t tell her that the only reason you view it is so you don’t cheat on her.. which you say you would if you didn’t have it….

    That’s not very comforting and it doesn’t say much about your character.

    Tell her that most men look at porn, maybe you should work on concealing it a bit more if it makes her that uncomfortable.

  • my husband started watching it, in a few yrs he went on a dating site and had an affair, he told me even when cheating he fantasized about the porn and watched porn while cheating. just treated me like dirt while i did nothing to deserve this. it all began with porn, he left me and our son.

  • because lke you have to ask. right there. no wonder she gets pissed. you would like a porn type woman, you need an outlet? think about it. try to be a bit more flirty with her and make it a challenge about who can have sex better and maybe she’ll try.

  • It really makes me feel disgusting if my husband looking for porn just to satisfy him sexually…
    Its a matter of cheating because you are sexually aroused by “something” else and not your wife alone.

  • It feels like she is not attractive enough. It feels like you get attracted to porn stars and not to her. It tells her they are better then her.

  • watch it with her. i’m a girl and i watch youporn.com all the time. tell her you are just watching it to learn different things to please HER. lol.

  • She will obviously get pissed off if your looking at another naked lady & always will be theres no way to change her mind.

  • Hey now people, just cause you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t look at the menu

  • Well YOU ASKED!!!
    My husband, whom recently left me, use to watch porn all the time. Well guess what? Now he can’t even “GET IT UP” with porn.

  • Because it’s wrong most women feel if you were really into her why would you need porn.

  • Oh well. Snuggie questions pushed porn questions to the back burner for about an hour. It was fun while it lasted.

  • Because you hide things from her

    You just admitted it.

  • What she says is true. You’re prolly the cheating type. I’d leave you.

  • because porn is just nasty.

  • Well Steven I would say you were right if I had not read all your other questions about how to cheat on your wife. Usually there is nothing wrong with porn, it can be enjoyable to watch together. You have a problem though, all you keep talking about on her is cheating on your wife and porn and young hot girls blah blah blah. You seem to have a sexual addiction if I had to guess. Why not keep it real with your wife? What is up with men wanting to do what they want but not being man enough to say it? Give her the option of dealing with your crap or letting you go. Who knows she might love your stupid a** enough to overlook what you want to do. Who knows maybe you could talk her into like visiting that bunny ranch place. If you think you are not going to get caught doing some stupid stuff eventually you are sadly mistaken! If you were my man I would rather hear the truth, I could respect that, and if I loved you I could work around it. I said it before on your other questions and I am going to say it again maybe she wants someone else to. Just cuz you can do it all night does not mean you are doing it the way she likes it. Maybe if you were hitting it right she would keep up.

  • Answer hidden due to its low rating

    She probaly just doesn’t want you looking at other women. You should keep hiding it.

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