Does recycling help reduce deforestation??

Just saw a commercial touting that show “Axmen” and wondered. Does recycling help save our forests. Also, the show touts these so called axmen as heroes I do not see it that way. First, there is nothing heroic about chopping down trees, trees don’t run or fight back. Second, the guys on the commercials keep … Read more

Homemade Eco Friendly Cleaning products?

I want to start cleaning my home with eco-friendly cleaning products.But what are some easy ones I can make using stuff I can find in my kitchen?Any recipes? ✅ Answers ? Best Answer Well,I put together: 3/4 cup Distilled Vinegar 1 Cup water 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice, and ½ a teaspoon of baking soda.I put … Read more

How do I start recycling?

I have a huge family, and in turn, we are churning out a huge amount of garbage. I’m really determined to start recycling, but I’m not sure about how to do it. We have recycling bins, and suppposedly, you can throw everything in it- plastic, paper, etc and they will sort it for you. Right … Read more