What hair type do i have? (African American women or Mixed Women) *Pictures*?

I just recently got a big chop,if yu dont know what that is its when yu decide to go natural,and cut all your perm off,and your hair grows back with different kind of hair textures which one do you think i have? example;4A 4b etc i dont know. 1.http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj218/loveisbetterthanhate/4-1.jpg 2.http://s273.photobucket.com/albums/jj218/loveisbetterthanhate/?action=view&current=2-1.jpg 3.http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj218/loveisbetterthanhate/5.jpgOpen Question African American Women … Read more

What to do with long hair?

My hair is past my boobs by a little, and it’s dirty blonde. I have NO idea what to do with it anymore. I don’t want to cut it. What are some hairstyles I can try out? Please and thanks (:Open Question you can make it curly or straigt you can get a bang side … Read more

My hair is too soft what shampoo/conditioner to use?

doesn’t matter what shampoo and conditioner I use, it always makes way too soft, and weighs it down. What shampoo and conditioner can I use that won’t do that, my hair is fine.Open Question Wow..I have never heard this before. I would use only a little shampoo and conditioner if you have fine hair. It … Read more

Hair loss from clindoxyl gel?

When i was putting this perscribed acne spot treatment on it got on some of my hairline. Now that hair is GONE it’s just a bald spot. The doctor told me not to let it touch my hair because it could bleach it..could it cause it to fall out too?Open Question Okay when i saw … Read more

I Need New hairstyle?any ideas? *pics*^^?

Hey i want to get to get a new hair cut and i don’t know what i should get. here’s a pic of me- http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp158/blueskittles909/IMG_2045.jpg?t=1259194782 do u guys have any ideas? if you can please leave a pic or link or describe if you can. thanks so much guys! =^.^= Thanks so much!!!! ^.~Open Question … Read more

How do you get your hair darker naturally?Help!?

I really want darker hair! Is there anything I can do to make it darker? Soak it in black tea? Coffee? Please help! Thanks 🙂 âś… Answers ? Best Answer my cousin used henna to repair her hair, and since henna repairs but also makes your hair lighter, she put black coffee in it and … Read more

Ok How can i grow out my hair like as fast as possible ?

Ok this is really agrivatingg me. my hair has never passed the tip of my shoulders whichh isn’t very long i wantt long preety hair like youtube.com/ilikeweylie her hair is gorjeous i need tips : ]Open Question well i wouldnt really damage it much id use the joico shampoos and conditioners and treatments for damaged … Read more

HELP!!! i need new hair styles!!!?

i want to change how my hair looks but i dont know how to make it. any ideas? my hair is black and it long and curly. ps: i know you probably get this a lot but i really need your help thanx…Open Question dye it a dark brown like miranda cosgrove and straighten it, … Read more