Am I cheap?

Every summer I have a couple weddings to attend. I generally spend $25 on a gift and $1 on a gift enclosure (small card.) Wedding cards are $5 each now, since they have stupid birds and beads glued to them. I am shocked to hear how much others spend on wedding gifts. Am I cheap? … Read more

how old were you?

how old were u when u got married? i was 18. Update: dont get me wrong. been married for 10 years now. very happy together. soon will have a baby. may be within a yea or so. just wondering how old u were. 84 ✅ Answers ? Favorite Answer I’m 20 and still will be … Read more

How long were you with your girlfriend/boyfriend before you got engaged, and how long before you got married?

Serious answers would be greatly appreciated. 69 ✅ Answers ? Favorite Answer Met and married in 3 months, Army sent me to Alamein, didnt see her for 2,years. Happily married to a wonderful woman for 58 years. She died 7 years ago, I still cant let go. We have 4 great Sons, 10 Grandchildren, 18 … Read more

Am I out of line??

Ok so here is my scenario…I just got engaged July 24th and we set our date for October 10, 28. In my opinion, it is too early for me to pick bridesmaids, but I have a general idea of who will be in it. My fiance’s brother is in our wedding and he has been … Read more