when using limewire some files come as wma instead of mp3 what"s the difference? and how can I use them?

what is wma? 4 ✅ Answers ? Favorite Answer .wma is just a different type of music file, it’s made by microsoft. stands for Windows Media Audio. Can easily be converted to .mp3 if you don’t have a .wma capable mp3 player. 00 mp3 is the ordinary for compressed audio records, wma is Microsoft’s proprietary … Read more

What is techtracker for?

i saw it when i was downloading limewire, what is it for? 1 Answer ? Favorite Answer Techtracker is a pretty worthless piece of software that scans all of your comp for outdated drivers etc. I like to keep my PC clean and my windows crashed and I had to reinstall, thats when I saw … Read more


our computer took a crap and we had to do a system recovery, everything works fine except windows media player 11. if you click any shortcut for it or any way to get there it keeps saying, “the file wmploc.dll has a version number where was expected. WMP is not installed properly and … Read more