Need help writing a java pet class with these conditions!?

Write the Pet, Dog and Snake classes as follows to support the Pets client class. Pet Instance variable(s): a name of type String Constructor(s): a 1-arg constructor to initialize name Accessor method(s): return name toString method: return “pet “ followed by the name of the pet Dog extends Pet Additional instance variable(s): a weight of … Read more

Make myself into an Avatar?

Whats a cool website to make myself into an avatar. like the movie? heres the website i found some that were made:… just looking for a free program or website that could do this (not cartoon pleasee) thanks(:<3 1 Answer ? Favorite Answer Or 00

How can I write pseudocode instructions to carry out this computational operation?

Determine the flying time between two cities given the mileage M between them and the average speed of the airplane Update: Determine the flying time between two cities given the mileage M between them and the average speed of the airplane —- I honestly don’t know where to begin. I’m not asking for the complete … Read more