How can I write pseudocode instructions to carry out this computational operation?

Determine the flying time between two cities given the mileage M between them and the average speed of the airplane


Determine the flying time between two cities given the mileage M between them and the average speed of the airplane


I honestly don’t know where to begin. I’m not asking for the complete answer, just some tips so I can get started. Thanks.


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  • this is homework, i can tell.

    don’t ask other people to do it, if you’re serious about computing, you need to learn for yourself.

    i will however guide you with planning tasks.

    Pseudo code isn’t actually a programming language, its made up of generic expressions that are found in real languages (although pseudo makes it clearer). all it really is, is an algorithm written in form similar to the layout of programming language.

    so you start off with an algorithm, this is just a set of instructions that solve a problem. so first you think how you would solve it, then divide it into steps (that a computer would understand).

    i then like to break it apart and decide what variable i need to use, or expressions i may need to look up. i find it helps to highlight the expression / variable, and the instruction i need it for, however if you choose to do this by hand you may run out of colours.

    then i create a flow chart.

    the flow chart represents the actual running of the finished program. the first box being the first operation, and the last being the final result. in the event that the user has many options you branch out, and if you use variables properly, you should still only have one final box (there may be exceptions). loops show up as loops in the drawing.

    flow charts help a great deal in understanding the program you create. it helps identify flawed logic, and show up shortcuts.

    you may want to discuss problem solving with your teacher /tutor / source of information, but it is important that you learn for yourself, and not just copy others work.

  • // Pseudocode is pre-programming, it is not the programming itself. So, the next isn’t written in a programming language, it is understanding the set of rules earlier than writing code. (Intitialize variables making use of floating numbers) squares = the quantity of squares sixty four – one million // granary = one million; ! the grain accumulator for the first rectangular lbs=a thousand; ! grains to a lb. LOOP rectangular sixty four occasions commencing at two: increment by means of one million; ! (each and every rectangular at a time) granary =+ granary*two; NEXT LOOP; ! (subsequent generation) kilos = granary/lbs; DISPLAY “The quantity of kilos is ” kilos; END:

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