What type of pet rock should i buy?

So I went to florist shop (I buy my pet rocks there because the plants lay on them) and found these beautiful rocks. They looked so playful and they looked at me in a loving way. I couldn’t buy them today because I still had to decide. I don’t know what type of breed to get! That’s not my only problem. When I told the cashier guy how much is it to buy a pet rock here, he looked at me with a funny face and turned around as if im crazy. o_o what’s up with that? I didn’t bother arguing. Please help

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  • Definitely purchase the marble breed. They make playful companions(I have a Marble and Granite, they’re the sweetest little things!) If there aren’t any Marble rocks, definitely look into Granite. They are so obedient! Generally, their personality is happy-go-lucky and they have such a soft, smooth, surface. You could teach them tricks like sit, stay, and down(Granite rocks are very intelligent rocks, but watch out, they could be stubborn) My Granite rock, Georgia, is the stubbornest rock of all. She refuses to fetch! But it’s fine, I still love her. Marble is definitely the sweeter of the two. My Marble rock, Eddie, is super sweet and listens to me all day. It’s like he understands me. Anyway, I hope I’ve helped you choose your new rock friend! Good luck with your new pet rock 🙂

    Source(s): pet rocks

  • Pssht typical customer service these days. you have to be a little more specific, he’s probably unimpressed because people just don’t simply ask what breed to get. Ask for a limestone and obsidian hybrid, cuz those are rare.

    very different types of rock will definitely get him going. when it gets big enough, you can eventually use your pet rock as a method of transportation, just like the pioneers used to do.


  • I think you should get out more,but nothing wrong with pet rocks !!! the cashier guy probably never heard of that before and was a little shocked.

    Source(s): let me know if the rock talks back?

  • The molten lava kind

  • Get some gallium

  • Get some marble, if you’ve got the money.

  • Make sure you get one that doesn’t shed on the carpet.

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