Can you give me title ideas for a movie?

It’s about a little boy who, during the summer, grows closer to his grandfather who’s sick but tries to hide it and dies in the end.

Thank you so much!


And it’s told from the little boy’s point of view.

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Requiem for Grandpa

    My Summer with Grandpa (or grandpa’s name)

    Time well spent

    My Grandfather’s Gift

  • I like this idea. But at first, I read it wrong (that his grandfather dies and he hides his body. Can I take this idea?) Any way, I would title it their names like James and Joseph. Simple. Simplicity is missing a lot these days in cinema. Good Luck!!

  • “woman Murders potential Killer as a substitute of the other way round” the nice film titles almost always have anything to do with a primary plot factor or have some deeper which means so handiest that you may title your production in an mighty way…

  • One Summer With Grandpa (or Gramps)

    Grandpa’s Summer …Maybe something like that.. Hope that helps!

  • Maybe Two Bits…

  • maybe:

    If only i knew

    Secrets arent always for keeping secrets

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