why bother living when you die one day anyway?


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  • That’s like asking, why bother having sex when it’s just going to be over later? Or why stand in line for the roller coaster at the amusement park when you’re just going to end up where you started?

    For the wonderfulness of the experience.

    A lot of us have forgotten how great the experience of life can be.

  • I died 8 times. Sometimes life is Like a box of chocolates. Open it and enjoy each one. You can’t ask questions if you haven’t fulfilled your purpose. If life is pointless why are you still breathing. Help someone. Make your life worth it. Do right. Say no to drugs and remember to forgive those who bash you or anyone else. What would Jesus do?

  • -Because You DON’T Know if when You Die- You’re going to end up “Living” again. So You might as well Enjoy it- the FIRST Time !! 🙂

    Source(s): Why “waste”-
    a perfectly good Life ?

  • Life’s about the Journey, and not the destination. All of our Journeys are different but our destination, that’s the same.

  • To enjoy what life has to offer and see what happens next.

  • Just to see a little bit more this amazing world 🙂

  • God put you on the earth for a reason. He loves you. If you are a self harmer, please stop. It’s not healthy. If you are a suicidal thinker, please change the way you think. It’s also not good.

  • because killing yourself requires lots of guts and is painful

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