JW's, why did Christ wast His sacrifice by only dying to pay for the sins of Adam?

JW’s teach that Romans 6:7 tells that we must all die to pay the price for our sins as Christ’s ransom only paid the price for Adam, [I have no idea about Eve] why would Christ bother to pay the ransom for Adam’s sin and nothing more?

What Does the Bible Really Teach? Page 63

“Jesus paid the price for Adam’s sin.”

Please help me understand what the book goes on to say actually means if it not about not needing to pay the wages of sin as Christ had already paid for it?

“Jehovah accepted the value of Jesus’ sacrifice as the ransom needed to deliver mankind from slavery to sin and death”



………………………………15. The forgiveness of sins………………………”


And on page 65….

“by means of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice, we can receive “the forgiveness of our sins.””

Update 2:

@jotacar, thank you for pointing out my “Typo” now it would be good if you could comply with the rules of this site and make an attempt to answer the question you replied to.

Update 3:

@TONI101, you said Christ’s death paid the price for Adams sin, so that we could have eternal life, but we need to die to have eternal life. What about the “Millions now living that will never die”?


✅ Answers

  • The perfect man sinned before having children, thus bringing death to all mankind.

    The sacrifice of the perfect man, Jesus, did not cover the sin of Adam so that he could gain eternal life, but it made possible that the offspring of Adam could gain eternal life under the rule of God’s Kingdom.

    In the meantime it is necessary for man to die as he still carries the defect that he inherited from Adam.

    Also, we are living in the time when God’s kingdom will wipe out all badness from the earth. That is why it is so necessary for people to take in an accurate knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

  • Read Romans 5:12 and you will find the answer to your question. All humans were and are descendants of Adam and Eve. Because Adam sinned against Jehovah, he became a sinner and lost perfection and everlasting life. So genetically, Adam passed on to his offspring what he now had, Sin and Imperfection and eventually Death.

    There was a need for Jehovah to provide a corresponding, which means equal sacrifice in order for humans to regain perfection and everlasting life. However after Adam, there were no other perfect humans that could die and provide an corresponding or equal ransom for humans. That is why Jesus was born as a perfect human being so that he could die on behalf of all sinful humans who accepted Jesus as their Savior and acknowledge Jehovah as the rightful Sovereign of the Universe.

    One perfect man (Adam) lost perfection and everlasting life for us and one perfect man (Jesus) got it back for us if we conform our lives to the will of Jehovah God.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible

  • Jeusus was sent to save people who worshipped YHWH as God because YHWH had them living in sin. YHWH tought his followers to kill women children of men who prayed to other Gods like the Greeks and Romans did but YHWH could not defeat their Gods and ended up becomming an addition to their Gods. Yasha was only sent to the followers of YHWH and told them that YHWH in the Torah does not even offer anyone everlasting life for obeying him but he did. So Yasha turned many followers of YHWH away from him and the Temple and the High Priests so after consulting with YHWH the High Priests wanted Yasha dead. The story of Adam is just a parabel to explain what it means to ignore what u no is wrong and do it anyways how we just do not do what we are told to do so shall be punished until we are scared into choosing good over bad?

    Source(s): Yasha sent me and i only have what he gives me when he gives it to me?

  • the wages (income) of sin is death. because of fact Jesus became into God in the flesh, who lived a sinless existence….What greater effective blood offering might desire to there ever be? The non secular courting with God became into ruined through Adam and Eve’s sin…for all of guy type. So Jesus’ death atoned for absolutely everyone who will have self belief, adhere, believe, and place self belief in Him for this. this is a recent from God, Grace. while armageddon comes, it is envisioned in Revelations that many will convert, and as quickly as you have self belief and repent you substitute into saved. God made it fairly straightforward, in case you could recover from the hunch of “worldly evidence” through using faith. faith is a documented real emotion of chemical reactions that produce advantageous emotions and reactions in the physique, consisting of peace. All that’s spiritually discerned….a majority of those subjects are spoke of in the Bible and between theologians. while the Pharisees asked for an indication from Jesus because of fact the Messiah, he advised them they could acquire non yet of Johan (which became right into a representation of his Resurrection) Simon Greenleaf, a HARVARD regulation professor, became into an authority in information…His pupils challenged him to disprove the Bible. He wound up a Christian, discover absolute evidence of Jesus’ Resurrection. i wish that helps and mb sparks some greater activity.

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  • The word “wast” is from Old English, and is the past tense of “was”.

    “Thou wast late for school again yesterday.”

    I think that you should practice spelling “waste” at least one hundred times.

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