Do you think this is fair? Body piercing question?

I am a 19 year old girl and I live with my parents, I want to get my nose and lip pierced but they say that while I live with them I need to ask for their permission and they are against it. I find this very annoying and unfair since I am an adult, I am not doing anything “anti-social”. What are your thoughts on this?

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? Best Answer

  • You are an adult and can make your own choices. You do not have to ask for their permission. They can’t punish you for it either. The whole “my house; my rules” is BS and very closed minded. I think they should tell you that they don’t think it’s a good idea, give their reasons and then deal with it. You’re a big girl now and it’s up to you.

    They can kick you out of their house though. You are 19 and they don’t have to support you anymore. I would think they were being unreasonable if they did, but that’s their choice.

  • No, that is not fair and they don’t have the right to stop you from getting them.

  • You should try talking to your parents and letting them know that body piercings aren’t just a fad or a faze but its apart of you, and its apart of our history. Body piercings have been around since the beginning of time. The nose ring was even mentioned in the book of Genesis in the bible. Let them know why you really want the piercing and I’m sure they will lighten up on their answer! I hope all goes well and when you are shopping for your jewelry for your new piercings check out


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