Why some people think that sex is inappropriate and taboo even after marriage?

especially women.


Only with the spouse


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  • It is a very strange thing to read. Highly introverts, extremely shy or abnormal people may talk like that which is against basic concept, defintion & standard procedure of marriage system as a whole. Marriage involves only two ‘main’ things. Wedding ceremony in which both the boy & the girl accept each other as the spuse in presence of many persons attending the same & the meeting of the two in a comfortable bedroom sometimes after that to have first ever sex relation to become the couple physically. Best thing is that immediately after wedding ceremony & the party after that, the couple must meet in a bedroom & have intimate relations to start the new phase of long happy life. So, without sex they don’t become real husband & wife is strict sense of the terms. Frequency of sex relations are maximum in first six months after wedding & if the bodies of both are strong enough, five orgasms per night too are normal things. Thy joy of sex during that period is maximum possible in life & most memorable, having no match in anything else. After few initial experiences, women like to have the same much more than men which improves their health, fitness, strength & longevity too, unknown to most.

  • It must be a cultural thing.

    Or the woman may have been brainwashed by her mother over the years to think sex is bad.

    Sex after marriage is suppose to be with only ones spouse. Morally speaking.

  • The only time I’ve heard people mentioning that sex between married couples being “taboo” is on Yahoo

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    . I’ve never heard of it in real life.

  • My grandmother once told me that her mother didn’t talk to her for months because her and my grandfather took salsa dancing lessons together and it was “sinful” because it lead to sex.

    Apparantly “back in the day” fornication was only meant as a form of procreation

    not really a good answer…just my two cents

  • Due to inhibitions, faulty and mistaken belief system. fear, wounds in the heart (Inner Child wounds), etc.

    If you know anyone whose behaviour speaks of the question you had asked, take her to a Psychotherapist. That should help. Continue to love her, make it easy for her to change her mindset.

    Best wishes.

    Source(s): I am a Psychotherapist in India.

  • see sex with spouse is the most wonderful pleasure in universe.I think no one thinks that

  • Contraceptives bar the life-giving purpose of sex.

    Sex is by no means innapropriate as long as it is between married persons and its open to life.

    Its contraceptives that are bad.

  • That is CRAZY!! Who are these people so I will know to avoid them lol

  • with a person other than your spouse ??? it definitely is !!!

  • who r these people? i don’t.. it is what it is

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