Is it okay for a woman to ask a man to marry her??


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  • of course it is.


  • I guess it’s okay as some men are afraid to ask and again it does not matter who should ask the question.

    If I really like a woman and she fires the question first before I do, she definitely will be ma sugar mama…

  • Yes.

    Different men have different reasons for not asking.

    Some men just do not think beyond next month. If you love him and want to raise a family with him, it will not happen unless you ask him. His answer will tell you whether you will have to choose between him and raising a family.

    Other men like the fun of dating without any long term responsibility or commitment. If you want commitment, such as if you want to buy a house or raise a family, you need to see what your options are, depending on what he says.

    Other men want to get married, but are too shy to ask. They will thank you for asking.

    As a society, we have lost much of the extended family support network that provided role models and expectations for men and women. The advent of the birth control pill also makes it easier for men and women to get sexual satisfaction without long-term commitment, which makes it harder to establish permanent relationships.

    You can think of a woman asking a man to get married as a non-traditional way of overcoming society’s loss of tradition in this area.

  • It is ok, but some guys dont like that. It’s kind of thier “thing” also I think it depends on how long you’ve been together…if its a shorter amount of time…I would let the guy do the asking…if you ask him and hes not ready…you may sound desperate. But if you’ve been dating for a long time…and you both know…I guess it could be ok…..But I would say, just keep dropping hints till he gets the idea.

  • I did! We will be married on 10/11/08

  • Absolutely! In this day and age women have as much power as men in any department of life. Unless you are the old fashioned type- Go for it! Especially if that’s the only way you are going to get a ring on your finger.

  • Its up to you ,but I’m a female and i would never ask a man to marry me, but that’s just me.

  • There’s some old wives tale that women should only ask men to marry them in a leap year otherwise it’s bad luck.

  • Yes, my mother asked my father in 1988, and if it was okay then, it’s okay now.

    They were happily married for at least 7 years too.

  • Yes

  • i really dont think so…it’s tacky and screams of desperation…hint at the idea and maybe he will ask you…also how long have u been together??? thats another thing to keep in mind. If it hasnt been that long…you’re going to look like a psycho….but if it been like 3 years and he hasnt asked you then i guess start dropping hints but if it’s been like a few months i would keep my mouth shut and get rid of the whole idea…

    Source(s): also…would you buy yourself a ring and if he said yes would u reach into ur pocket and put a ring on ur own finger?????

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