I’m not sure how to explain Downs Syndrome to my kids?

We’re going to a wedding and my year old cousin is an usher and has Downs. I’m not sure how to explain this to my & year olds.

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  • just explain how it affects people. Do you know the skill level of the person in question?You may say that their voice is different and his face is different. Show them some pictures online–if you can, get a picture of this guy.

    At and , its not like they will be discussing rocket science. My guess is that this guy will not have any problem understanding anything they talk about.

    Say it is harder for him to learn things, but probably can read and write and do some math–just not as good as most adults.

    Point out positive things….he’s probably friendly since he is an usher. He is probably hard working.

    Look up Chris Burke–he’s been on TV since Sesame Street and as an adult.

    you don’t need to worry about the biology of it.

    if you can find it–and you are religious—there was a Touched by an Angel episode where he played an Angel—i think he was on a couple times–but specifically the one where a group home is opening and a neighbor opposes it.

    I would remind your kids of things that they or people they know have trouble doing. And just say that this guy has trouble with certain things too.

  • Well it was about years ago now but my year old brother and I were going to a birthday party of our cousin who had just turned . He lived (and still lives) in France (We live in the UK, N Ireland)
    Our cousin had a year old brother (so he was also our cousin) who had Aspergers and my mum warned me and my brother that he may seem a bit “different”. As I’ve said my brother was and the same age as him, when we go there we could see what our mum meant, he was really shy and we tried o talk to him but without success.Just tell your kids that he may seem a little different like our mum did.
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