What is a sonography doctor called?

whats a sonogrpahy doctor called like the name like babys doctor is pediatrician what is a sonogrpahy docotr called please answer A.S.A.P

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  • There is not really a doctor who only deals sonograms. This would fall under a Radiologist in most cases. The Radiologist is the doctor who specializes in reading different imaging films and scans. He or she when then generate a report and send that report with the scans or films to the ordering physician. After that the ordering physician will use the report from the radiologist along with other information and data that he or she has obtained on the patient to formulate a diagnosis or therapeutic plan.

    EDIT: It depends on what you are actually asking here as to whether or not the person needs an MD degree. Since you said you wanted to know what a doctor who deals with sonograms is called, then I am guessing that you want to know what the name of that type of doctor is and in that case it would be a radiologist. If you just want to know what type of person actually does the sonogram then that could be a doctor (several types-OBGYN, Ortho, etc.) or it could just be a technologist. If this is done at an imaging center then the majority of time regardless of the type of imaging technique used, it will usually be a tech that does the imaging and then those images/scans will be read and reviewed by the radiologist who will then write, issue and send the report with their findings.

  • Sonograms/ultrasounds, fall into the category of imaging so are usually interpreted by “radiologists” but there are a few cases where others may also do the interpretations.

    Sonograms of the heart called echocardiograms would be interpreted by cardiologists so trained.

    Sonograms of the female pelvis (organs of reproduction) can also be interpreted by the gynecologist/obstetrician.

    Vascular surgeons may be trained to interpret sonograms of certain blood vessels.

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