How much whiskey to give me a buzz?

I’m a 17 year old male and I weigh about 2lbs. How much will I need to drink to get a buzz?


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  • Im the same weight but I’m a bit older, this is how it generally works for me

    1,2 shots – nothing

    3 shots – okay little buzz

    8 shots – going to be a pretty good night, not much of a hangover either

    12 shots – great night, hangover will be there though

    20+ – wtf happened last night bro? also nasty hangover

    This is my scale, if you’re new to drink 1-3 will be fine

  • One oz. can start a buzz. Each successive oz will increase the buzz as long as you drink it before the prior oz wears off. If you drink too much too fast you can end up throwing up, passing out, or dying. You can actually drink enough to kill you before you get a buzz if you drink fast enough.

  • I would start at 4 and go from there. 6 will definitely get you buzzed and set for hours, don’t go near 10 if you’re new to drinking.

  • A couple shots I think lol

    Just keep up with the shots with a few minutes in-between for it to kick in.

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  • Everyones different. Take it slow and find out for yourself.

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