Why don't doctors diagnose autism before age 3?

My son just turned two years old and has many of the signs for autism. The doctors keep telling me they can’t make a diagnosis until age three. Why do I have to wait a year? It’s so hard not knowing.


✅ Answers

  • Your family doctor/pediatrician should not be the one diagnosing your child but can make a referral to a developmental disorder clinic/developmental pediatrician/child psychologist. Autism should be a rule out diagnosis, but it often is not. The symptoms of many treatable conditions can mimic autism (including food allergies, hearing loss).

    And your doctor is incorrect. Autism can be diagnosed much earlier than age 3, but many pediatricians like to take a “wait and see” approach for something that is not a medical emergency. Unfortunately, early treatment is key and sometimes a diagnosis is needed to secure this treatment. Ask for a referral. Also, if you are not already involved in your local Early-On or Birth to 3 program (will assess for developmental delay and provide treatment in your home) or some other form of speech therapy and occupational therapy, do so. Occupational therapy is essential, someone trained in sensory integration therapy (most of the “symptoms” of autism are due to sensory processing issues). They may also be able to refer you to a specialist. Even if not, they can treat the symptoms without necessarily having a diagnosis.

    Good luck. You need to be a strong advocate for your son if you are concerned. Good luck!

    Source(s): I’m an occupational therapist with lots of experience with autism and sensory disorders. I’ve worked with children as young as 18 months diagnosed with autism. The earlier treatment starts, the more effective it is!20

  • Because autism is a social, um, dysfunction. At 2 a child still has limited social interaction therefore a doctor cannot give a 1% diagnosis if the child has autism or not. Your child may just be developing a little slower in some areas because ‘signs’ of autism aren’t always going to mean the kid has autism. Just like missing a period doesn’t always mean pregnancy and an off white blood count doesn’t always mean cancer.

  • It’s usually from 2 yrs onwards that a child gets diagnosed. But that is by a consultant paediatrician and with a report from speech and language therapy. They only diagnos if they are a 1% sure the child has it. In your case it means they are probably not sure and need to see him develop some more. Which is a good thing. If your not already involved with speech therapy ask for a referral. Regardless of a diagnosis or not they are the service who can help you more than anyone else.


  • cuz doctors are stupido


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