How does it feel if u think u are pregnant?


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  • i’m just hungry a lot. i blame it on the fact that hes a boy. 🙂 But he has been pretty good to me making my life easy.

    but in the beginning like normal. i didn’t start to feel pregnant until he started to move to the point i could feel it.

    Source(s): 21 wks pregnant with my first 🙂

  • Good question… here are some symptoms:



    -sore, tender breasts

    -bigger, sensitive, and darker nipples


    -lower backaches



    -higher temperature

    -food cravings and/or aversions

    -sensitivity to smells

    -feeling dizzy

    -vivid dreams

    -implantation bleeding

    -missed period (obviously)

    -frequent urination…

    and that’s about it. It feels a lot like PMS except for that your period never comes.

  • I didn’t feel any different than normal until I started experiencing round ligament pain! :oP

  • peeing alot and hungary more and your pelvic area feels swollen during 3-4 weeks to start, mine did

  • Like I am feeling right now, like I want to puke, tired, moody.. etc

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