Agree or Disagree: Is an Argumentative Intellectually Challenged Community College Drop-Out a Good Friend?

My friend is an argumentative intellectually challenged Community College drop-out. Do you agree that she has the potential to become a successful professional?

This is a question that many people are asking in the current job market. With the ever-increasing demand for higher education, it is important to consider the potential of people with less than perfect academic credentials. My friend, who dropped out of Community College, is an example of someone who may not have had the best grades, but she is still a talented and intelligent person.

It is important to consider the qualities that my friend has which make her an attractive candidate for a successful professional career. First and foremost, she is an excellent communicator. She is able to articulate her ideas in a clear and concise manner, which makes her an effective speaker. Furthermore, she is an argumentative person. She is not afraid to stand up for her beliefs and defend them. This quality makes her a valuable asset in any professional environment.

Furthermore, my friend is an intellectually challenged individual. This means that she is not afraid to ask questions or think outside of the box. She is also open to learning new skills and concepts. This makes her an excellent candidate for a job that requires problem solving and creative thinking.

Finally, my friend is a Community College drop-out. This does not necessarily mean that she is a poor student. In fact, she has shown a great deal of dedication to her studies and has managed to pass many courses with excellent grades. This indicates that she is capable of achieving success in any field she sets her mind to.

In conclusion, my friend has the potential to become a successful professional. She is an excellent communicator, an argumentative person, and an intellectually challenged individual. Furthermore, she has shown a great deal of dedication to her studies and has managed to pass many courses with excellent grades. Therefore, it is safe to say that my friend has the potential to become a successful professional.

Pros of Hiring My Friend

  • Excellent communicator
  • Argumentative person
  • Intellectually challenged individual
  • Dedicated to her studies
  • High grades in courses

Cons of Hiring My Friend

  • Lack of formal education
  • May require more training than other applicants
  • May not have the same level of expertise as more experienced applicants


Overall, my friend has the potential to become a successful professional. With her excellent communication skills, argumentative nature, and intellectually challenged attitude, she has the potential to excel in any field she sets her mind to. Therefore, it is safe to say that my friend has the potential to become a successful professional.

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