Are there any poetry contests in NY that would grant students scholarship money?

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  • I do not know – as I am in the U.K

    but I DO know hat scholarships for poetry are hard to obtain

    unless you `Know The Ropes`, so to speak..

    Here in England, we do have a massive tome called,

    `The Directory of Grant-Making Trusts`, which provides

    categorized and stratified accurate information as to whom and where to apply

    for scholarships from Trusts (Cadbuy`s, Rowntrees , The Buttle Trust and @ another /)

    to acquire scholarships for many Educational / Arts pursuits.

    It`s unlikely that there will not be similar Books of data for U,S, citizens

    so you need try that path , perhaps?

    By working hard upon letters which are then photocopied and sent to all Trusts

    which offer the Grants needed, and providing proof of requisite qualifying factors

    it is very possible to find the Scholarship money needed.

    It usually can take @ months of constant application/s – yet

    with effort as you might have or three trusts willing to provide total finances

    to selected colleges/ Uni`s over several years.

    So don`t hesitate to put in the initial elbow-grease

    and be self-resourcing re how you approach the matter

    for the result can be most worthwhile.

    The bursary – interviews are good, relaxed yet sensible, and personal

    and annual or -yearly interviews of progress are par for this

    and sometimes upgrade-bursaries are added for travel, etc to minimal extra costs.

    They are usually worldly but kindly and understanding empathetic inteviewers

    so, if it is your heart`s desire..get thee to a Web-Search, a library, our stationary,

    See also  What is the theme of this poem?

    a photocopier (your printer) and – –

    Good Luck!

    Source(s): I have been on each side of such applications..

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