Christians, what kind of Christians would you want atheists to become? Which denomination should they choose?

There are nearly 40,0 Christian denominations. So, which one would you recommend for atheists?

But once I commit to a certain denomination, wouldn’t I be subject to persecution and possibly even murder by other denominations?

The following brilliant joke by someone highlights this precise problem:

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said, “Stop! Don’t do it!”

“Why shouldn’t I?” he said.

I said, “Well, there’s so much to live for!”

He said, “Like what?”

I said, “Well, are you religious or atheist?”

He said, “Religious.”

I said, “Me too! Are your Christian or Buddhist?”

He said, “Christian.”

I said, “Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?”

He said, “Protestant.”

I said, “Me too! Are your Episcopalian or Baptist?”

He said, “Baptist!”

I said, “Wow! Me too! Are your Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?”

He said, “Baptist Church of God!”

I said, “Me too! Are your Original Baptist Church of God or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?”

He said, “Reformed Baptist Church of God!”

I said, “Me too! Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?”

He said, “Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915!”

I said, “Die, you heretic scum!” and pushed him off.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I suppose an atheist can take the quiz, except it will probably tell them to stay an atheist.

    The other way is just to pick whichever church is closest to their house.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Personally I don’t think it matters. But, the person might want to just start going to churches to see which denomination fits them the best. Like if you were a New Yorker you probably would not choose Southern Baptist. Or if you didn’t agree with some of the Catholic views you wouldn’t go there.

  • You seem a tedious sort of person, I’d say Anabaptist or maybe Waldensian, they’ve always amused and interested me.

  • Whichever one they choose. The core beliefs are very much the same.

  • Christians are people, and God created us unique, so each Christian is a different “kind” than every other. As far as what makes one a Christian, there is only one kind.

    As far as the denomination question is concerned, that has NOTHING to do with whether or not one is a Christian. While it would be impossible to verify, it’s probably safe to assume that the largest segment of TRUE Christians do not associate themselves with a denomination at all.

    Christianity is NOT a religion. Religion and denominations are distractions.

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