Girls Always go for the bad Guys who treat them bad…This is a fact…BUT WHAT DO GUYS GO FOR?

what kind of girls do guys go for and stay with????

I think the answer to what kind of girl MOST men want is best illustrated in the old joke:

How to win a man:

) Show up naked

) Bring beer

Okay, it’s not strictly speaking “true,” but in every successful joke, there IS an underlying element of truth. What it basically means is, they want someone that likes what they like, and isn’t hard to be around. People with beer aren’t generally hard to be around. Especially if they’re naked.

On to a more serious aspect. Let’s say I’m a guy. As it happens, I am. Let’s say I like Sailing. As it happens, I do. A girl that likes Sailing can go with me, we can share that activity, and have fun together. A girl that is concerned about “what guys go for” might fake it for a while, but you can’t consistently live a lie. She’ll get seasick, start having other things to do, point out that I should be doing something else instead of Sailing, and eventually become a real turn-off.

What guys REALLY go for is a girl that genuinely shares their interest, be it hunting, fishing, golf, tennis, writing, reading, whatever it might be. Guys who don’t get this from a woman are the ones that look for “something else,” because of what Ayn Rand was describing when she wrote of Hank Reardon, and I’m quoting from memory so pardon slight inaccuracies, “He was never so lonely as when he felt happy.” Guys want someone to share what they enjoy.

Guess what? That makes them just like YOU!

So pursue what you enjoy, and you’ll find someone that shares that with you eventually, no matter what it is.

In short, you don’t have to figure out what guys go for. Figure out what YOU go for, and do that, and BE that.

btw: Not all girls go for guys that treat them bad. I think such a relationship is basically two weak people who deserve each other. It’s a guy with an inferiority complex that needs someone to push around, and a woman that wants someone else to save her from the responsibility of intelligent thought. Not everyone is interested in that.

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I have a pal who used to be like this till the fellow simply give up coming round. Then once more it’s nonetheless off and on. You can also be the best ladies on the earth and nonetheless get dealt with like grime. Its all approximately no longer settling for much less. Girls like dangerous boys, and me I simply do not realize it. If you permit or not it’s recognized within the commencing on the way you desired to be dealt with then it could have went a different method rather of settling rationale he has cash or a satisfactory flashy auto, He has golds in his mouth with crooked enamel. I imply that is actual. Some ladies like being talked to loopy, do not know the way to behave with a well guy. When they’ve a well guy they use him. They love those thugs and gangstas/wanna be. So do not attempt to realize you in no way will similar to me.

No Luisa you are wrong. You’re just perpetuating stupid gender ideologies. You should give human beings more credit than that. Not all of us are stupid enough to be in a relationship with someone who treats us badly.

A different girl every day.

someone who had been a virgin…PERIOD….that explains how much control the girl has….the rest comes along. but personally I hate silly and spoiled girls….I like someone who can control herself to the fullest, but sometimes its fun to be silly and spoiled….but thats just sometimes.

Hot babes!

not Pisces girls. We wont put up with it!!!

depends on the man and his sign. Some men are boring anyway and we dont want them..

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Favorite Answer

  • I think the answer to what kind of girl MOST men want is best illustrated in the old joke:

    How to win a man:

    ) Show up naked

    ) Bring beer

    Okay, it’s not strictly speaking “true,” but in every successful joke, there IS an underlying element of truth. What it basically means is, they want someone that likes what they like, and isn’t hard to be around. People with beer aren’t generally hard to be around. Especially if they’re naked.

    On to a more serious aspect. Let’s say I’m a guy. As it happens, I am. Let’s say I like Sailing. As it happens, I do. A girl that likes Sailing can go with me, we can share that activity, and have fun together. A girl that is concerned about “what guys go for” might fake it for a while, but you can’t consistently live a lie. She’ll get seasick, start having other things to do, point out that I should be doing something else instead of Sailing, and eventually become a real turn-off.

    What guys REALLY go for is a girl that genuinely shares their interest, be it hunting, fishing, golf, tennis, writing, reading, whatever it might be. Guys who don’t get this from a woman are the ones that look for “something else,” because of what Ayn Rand was describing when she wrote of Hank Reardon, and I’m quoting from memory so pardon slight inaccuracies, “He was never so lonely as when he felt happy.” Guys want someone to share what they enjoy.

    Guess what? That makes them just like YOU!

    So pursue what you enjoy, and you’ll find someone that shares that with you eventually, no matter what it is.

    In short, you don’t have to figure out what guys go for. Figure out what YOU go for, and do that, and BE that.

    btw: Not all girls go for guys that treat them bad. I think such a relationship is basically two weak people who deserve each other. It’s a guy with an inferiority complex that needs someone to push around, and a woman that wants someone else to save her from the responsibility of intelligent thought. Not everyone is interested in that.

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  • I have a pal who used to be like this till the fellow simply give up coming round. Then once more it’s nonetheless off and on. You can also be the best ladies on the earth and nonetheless get dealt with like grime. Its all approximately no longer settling for much less. Girls like dangerous boys, and me I simply do not realize it. If you permit or not it’s recognized within the commencing on the way you desired to be dealt with then it could have went a different method rather of settling rationale he has cash or a satisfactory flashy auto, He has golds in his mouth with crooked enamel. I imply that is actual. Some ladies like being talked to loopy, do not know the way to behave with a well guy. When they’ve a well guy they use him. They love those thugs and gangstas/wanna be. So do not attempt to realize you in no way will similar to me.

  • No Luisa you are wrong. You’re just perpetuating stupid gender ideologies. You should give human beings more credit than that. Not all of us are stupid enough to be in a relationship with someone who treats us badly.

  • A different girl every day.

  • someone who had been a virgin…PERIOD….that explains how much control the girl has….the rest comes along. but personally I hate silly and spoiled girls….I like someone who can control herself to the fullest, but sometimes its fun to be silly and spoiled….but thats just sometimes.

  • Hot babes!

  • not Pisces girls. We wont put up with it!!!

    depends on the man and his sign. Some men are boring anyway and we dont want them..

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