I failed my first Math test of the year?

I didn’t do very well on my Math test today. I thought I did good, seeing as I understood the material and could do the example questions my teacher gave us, and the textbook work (some). My average was %. I’m in Pure , and did well in Pure last year, so it’s not like i’m a bad student. What should I do to raise my mark? I’m very worried about my report card mark, because I have one other test next week and then report cards on the th. Is it possible to get over a % average on my report card?

Everyone else in my class seemed to do really good, and the teacher said that the test wasn’t very hard…

You got % on your first test. You want to have an average of % or higher. Assuming both your tests are worth the same weight, you need to score a % or higher to have an average of % or higher.

( + x) / =

Solve for x:

+ x =

x = – =

Don’t worry, it’s just the first test. Study hard and you’ll do fine. Best of luck.

You shouldn’t be on the internet first of all, young lady. You should be studying those books!


Favorite Answer

  • You got % on your first test. You want to have an average of % or higher. Assuming both your tests are worth the same weight, you need to score a % or higher to have an average of % or higher.

    ( + x) / =

    Solve for x:

    + x =

    x = – =

    Don’t worry, it’s just the first test. Study hard and you’ll do fine. Best of luck.

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  • You shouldn’t be on the internet first of all, young lady. You should be studying those books!

    Source(s): My parental experience

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