i need a good online name for call of duty?

i mostly play cod

Avenger , Iron man , one of the heroes , King (your name) , Anti Virus , Attacker or Raider .

Sniper: LongShotLuv (kinda gay tho lol),

TheCODfather, LoneWolf, TeamPlayer, BFisGay, BFsucks, Icantexpresemyangertowardbf,

ThePro, TheWorm, FlyingMantis, PhsycoMantis, Agent , PlayBox, Eagle, Tiger, Lionisbetterthantieger, Dawg, and thats all I can think of hope it helped,

God of Cod, King of the shooters, killer , AK boss, bomberman , ko king, Hope I helped 🙂


  • Favorite Answer

    Avenger , Iron man , one of the heroes , King (your name) , Anti Virus , Attacker or Raider .

    Source(s): My own big brain and a few think .

  • Sniper: LongShotLuv (kinda gay tho lol),

    TheCODfather, LoneWolf, TeamPlayer, BFisGay, BFsucks, Icantexpresemyangertowardbf,

    ThePro, TheWorm, FlyingMantis, PhsycoMantis, Agent , PlayBox, Eagle, Tiger, Lionisbetterthantieger, Dawg, and thats all I can think of hope it helped,

    Source(s): Brain

  • God of Cod, King of the shooters, killer , AK boss, bomberman , ko king, Hope I helped 🙂

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