My computer wont turn on????? HELP!!!?

Its not the monitor, but the processor (the box that you have to turn on with the cd rom player in it) its a desktop computer. I try to turn it on but it just wont happen, theres nothing wrong with the monitor so its definetely the box. I havent done anything to make it like this but my dads says he thinks that becoz its in the concervatory it got overheated in the summer and summin went wrong, i would really appreciate it if someone could help me find out whats wrong with it and tell me how to fix it????

no silly answers about turnong it on by the plug plz, it defo is on by the plug


have you double check all your connecttions I never mover my tower unless I am cleaning around and a wire I thought was in had worked lose just enough to cause a problem, also check your surge protector and switch your outlet your plugged into outlet could be bad

Favorite Answer

  • have you double check all your connecttions I never mover my tower unless I am cleaning around and a wire I thought was in had worked lose just enough to cause a problem, also check your surge protector and switch your outlet your plugged into outlet could be bad

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