Would you be offended?

Okay so, my friend got hired for a part time job because I suggested a place that was hiring…I applied first, but I didn’t get it..she didn’t say thankyou. So not long after, she started getting on my case and complaining about how I should get a job because I dont understand what it’s like to work and etc. It really annoyed me because I WAS applying to places.

It became a pretty touchy subject, because all my friends were becoming employed, and when their parents asked me if I had a job I would always say no. Anyway, I recently got one..it’s seasonal, so I’ll only be working for about months throughout the year..however, the hours are long, and I’ll be till am sometimes on school days.

So last week, my friend told me she was quitting her job [ like the ten millionth time she’s said that..] so i said sarcastically ” sure you are. ” And she so rudely said in front of the entire class ” Why dont you go get a job, God you don’t even have one yet. Then come talk to me. ” so one of my friends stood up for me and said that I did have one..and again, she said ” Oh, that seasonal thing? That’s not even a real job..you work for what… weeks of the entire year? ” and she rolled her eyes. Anyway..I’m really angry because I finally have a job now, but she’s still being a ***** about it. Any suggestions?

I recently gave up on a lot of friends just to let you know you will know when you have a real friend. Real friends will never cut you down and be-little you in front of people but I am guessing you are between – and are still going to have people like this in your life unless you wise up quickly. Don’t mistake friends with Acquaintances they are very different. This is my Favorit saying and I say it to those all around me and to myself when things are getting a bit bad IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!!! You know Why because someone somewhere has it a lot worst than you and I !

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I suggest not caring. At all. So she’s rude, who cares? Anyone who cares about this crap has nothing going in their life worth a damn.

Stop being her friend cause she sounds suuuuper lame.


  • I recently gave up on a lot of friends just to let you know you will know when you have a real friend. Real friends will never cut you down and be-little you in front of people but I am guessing you are between – and are still going to have people like this in your life unless you wise up quickly. Don’t mistake friends with Acquaintances they are very different. This is my Favorit saying and I say it to those all around me and to myself when things are getting a bit bad IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!!! You know Why because someone somewhere has it a lot worst than you and I !

  • I suggest not caring. At all. So she’s rude, who cares? Anyone who cares about this crap has nothing going in their life worth a damn.

  • Stop being her friend cause she sounds suuuuper lame.

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