10 POINTS! I’m dealing with WAY too much stress? Please help..?

Well, I’m extremely happy because we’re moving in 2 months 🙂 but I’m also extremely stressed out and have been for over a year! I’m 14 and school is ending really soon… On June something. We’re moving July 1st. I still have to do exams! I have 3 -.- June 20th I’m starting exams and how am I supposed to study for them, and move at the same time!!? I have ADD so its really hard for me to focus. I really have to study for my exams, maybe not my science one because I’m really good at science 😛 but still. How is this going to be possible for me!!?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • You will need to try an study as much as you can in the time given, try to fit in as much as you can do, don’t make time for plans at the moment but when the exams are over, you can relax and enjoy yourself knowing that you worked hard and did your best. If you’re finding it hard to concentrate, take a five minute rest every hour or half and hour of work. But don’t stop at it, you can achieve ANYTHING. It is possible to get whatever grade you want. Whether its an a* or a e, you are still possible to get whatever!
    I hope I helped and good luck with your exams! Don’t let ADD get the best of you! X
  • Join the club, though that is not a remedy, but sometimes it helps to know that your situation is shared by others.

    Currently, I am going through a different kind of stress. I too am moving at the end of the year. However, it is for a very different reason. I am about to retire as an educator and it is causing severe stress thinking about leaving all the kids behind forever. I am very stressed about having to get my retirement and that other stuff that losing your known life brings.

    I handle my stress by listening to music, dancing to music, swimming, bicycling and being with my dog. I have had moments of crying and I still can’t see the joy of being retired, though every thinks I will.

    For you it is different and be thankful that it is. While my life is ending, you are starting a new beginning. You may want to consider some Buddhist meditation, which helps to still your mind. Above all, understand, for you, this too shall pass. When you are twenty five you will wonder why this upset you so.


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