2 Physics Questions!?



Would the answer for the 2nd question be C?


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  • For the first question, you can see that (in segment A) the velocity is increasing over time. That means that the velocity is NOT constant, In segment B, the velocity does not change anymore, and is therefore constant.

    To determine the average velocity, you have to determine its initial and its final velocity. You can see in the graph that the initial velocity is 0 m/s and its final velocity is 20 m/s.

    Average velocity = (final velocity – initial velocity) / 2 = (20 – 0) / 2 = 10 m/s.

    For the 2nd question, you can see that in the first 2 seconds the positions changes. That means that the person is walking. Because it is a straight line in the graph, the person is walking in a straight line. After two seconds, you can see on the Y-axis, that the person has walked 10 meters.

    At 2<t<4, the position does not change. This indicates that the person is not moving, and therefore is at rest.

    At 4<t<6, the position is decreasing, this means that the person is walking back in the direction of the door.

    So yes, answer C is correct.

  • 1

    the veleocity is constant in interval A at 20m/s


    Yes, C is correct

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