Which European country from this list would you want to travel to the most?

A) Belgium

B) Greece

C) Poland

D) Norway

E) None of the above/other


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  • Out of your list I will say A) Belgium…but I would also like to see Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany. We went to Italy but I feel I would love to see it again. The people are just so interesting. Would love to see Paris again too. When we went, it was sort of a wash bc my hubby got sick. :/

  • Norway, then Poland. I already went to greece 3-4 times. belgium sounds boring.

    Source(s): from Romania

  • Greece

  • Greece or Norway. I love the Mediterranean but I also love Scandinavia. If I HAD to choose, Greece just because of the medditerranean

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  • Belgium

  • Greece.

  • D) Norway

  • D) Norway

  • Belgium is where they make Godiva Chocolates and Stella Artois beer, so I’d say Belgium, or as they say Belgique.

  • A) nice, but they speak French

    B) they are broke, only want your money

    C) they will steal everything

    D) sounds nice, but it’s cold most of the time

    E) I’d like to visit Germany. Everyone says they are still Nazis, but I think that’s just BS.

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