You are standing on the high bridge over the New River gorge in southern West Virginia. The rail of the bridge?

You are standing on the high bridge over the New River gorge in southern West Virginia. The rail of the bridge is 269 m above the surface of the river below. Your buddy drops a rock from the bridge rail. You throw a rock down 2.50 s later from the same location and both rocks strike the water simultaneously.

(a) How long is the first rock in flight?

(b) With what speed did you throw the second rock?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    A). d = 0.5(a)(tsq) because initial velocity = 0. d = 0.5 x 9.8 x tsq. Solve for tsq. tsq = 4.912 s

    B). For the second rock we want the initial velocity. d = vt + 0.5a(tsq). Solve for v when d=269 and t=4.912. V = 245 m/s!

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