Spirit or ghost or what?

I was sleeping yesterday (Friday morning) and around 5am, I felt something tugging on my blanket near my head and tapping on the matress TRYING to wake me up. Also, I was laying on my left side, and as I felt the blanket moving, the right side of my body was getting hot. And it wouldn’t stop until I woke up and got out of my bed. What could this have been? Nobody was awake. I told my parents what had happened and they said maybe it was a dream, but it wasn’t bc i wasn’t having a dream at the time.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Ghosts/spirits don’t exist.
  • if you are certain that your house isn’t haunted by nature(haven’t moved recently and haven’t experienced anything out of the ordinary during your stay) than it could have been a succubus or an incubus and if you have moved in your house recently r have experienced paranormal stuff during your stay it could be a ghost telling you to get out of the house. Either way, if you ever feel threatened sprinkle holy water and say thees prayers out loud http://catholicprayerstotheworld.blogspo…

    presonal experience

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