Paranormal help……?

Right, so I’m on 14 years old at the moment… Quite a while ago my aunty had told me that a paranormal medium lies in some of our family members…

I’ve lived in a old farmhouse in Rural Lincolnshire, England. for almost 8 years now…I’ve always had a weird feeling, since day one of living here… Cold blows on the neck, hearing voices, things that go bump in the night? etc etc… People may believe I’m writing up a load of bullsh*t, but if you think this, just bugger off…

I’ve always felt a presence, or two for a matter… I feel a presence that has no feeling to it? if that makes sense… Then from time to time I feel a presence that is rather unpleasant! When I feel this presence, I’m usually in my bedroom (the original master bedroom of the house, no longer is) When I feel this presence, I feel sad, depressed and I feel pain that I cannot diagnose or understand… I’ve tried telling this to my parents, and they think I’m insane… Thinking that what my aunty said is utter crap! it’s not, I truely believe this but I need something for someone too say?

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  • Here it is….you are not crazy and if that farm house is old and has a lot of history to it then chances are there might be ghosts that have remained….not all people want to pass on….then there are some who were scared to pass so they didnt….in some cases they are attached to things they left behind or even the house or property itself….sometimes they want to have closure so they want some one to hear them out, possibly because they died tramatically or their body was never found so they want to tell someone were it is…..things like that.
    As far as the phsycic question you asked about yourself…..let me ask you a question first…..have you ever had any other experiences like this any were else….sensing a presents…..hearing people you can not see whether they appear to be talking to you or not…..seeing images in your mind as though thoughts just appeared there…..seeing people or places that you have no idea who they are or where it is….do you seem to know things that you have no idea how you learned it…..or do you ever have the answer to a question someone asks, for instance something they lost and cannot find….or had thought about someone and then they call you…..these are only some of the abilities phsycic’s have….having experiences in only one house does not mean you are phsycic, but it may be the beginning of your awakening……does this make sense to you….dont be scared of them and see if you can get them to talk to you and see what they want….they just may want help.
  • If psychic abilities run in your family, then it is quite possible that you are psychic as well. From your description, it sounds as if you are an empath. An empath can feel the same feelings as those around them, both living and spirits. If you really want to talk about it with someone, I recommend talking to your aunt or maybe bringing her up at a family discussion and asking if anyone else was psychic in the family.

    If you want to develop your psychic abilities further, you can look into it by researching online and/or watching youtube videos about it c: I started out as a sensitive and empath, and after researching for around two years, I’m now able to sense spirits, communicate with/see them through my third eye, and I’ve improved my intuition.

    Btw, I know how it feels to be judged like that… Back in middle school I made the mistake of telling classmates, who at first thought it was cool, and then quickly moved on to making jokes about me and what I could do… Which then turned into full-on bullying.
    Now, I’ve learned how to block out the paranormal world for the most part. I only open myself up when I need to.

    Anyway, if you really need to tell someone, tell your aunt or a very close friend. Then try to prove it to the friend. I have a handful of close friends, half of them believe me, the other half think I’m being immature, but that’s just because I’ve never had solid evidence to prove it to them. Good luck dude 😀

    15 year old, so I’m kinda in the same boat.

  • when your scared just call on Jesus 🙂 he can help 🙂


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