Does my tuition bill payment affect my credit score?

So, I’m currently a sophomore in college and I have my online account set up so that my parents can access/pay my tuition bills. I know my mom has missed a few payments and I was wondering if this will at all affect my credit score?


I’m 19, and no, it’s not a school loan. It’s payment due directly to the school itself.


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  • First…how old are you? If you are under 18, this does not affect you.

    If you are 18 or older….

    Is this a school loan that was taken out in your name?? Or is this a form of ongoing payment directly to the school, but not a loan?

    If this was a loan in your name….take over those payments yourself! You do NOT want late school loans reporting to your credit.

  • This would not be considered an extension of credit and is not reported to the credit bureau. However, if you default on the bill and it gets sent to collections, then it could show up on your credit as a negative.

    Source(s): BD

  • This is not affecting anyones credit

    If she fails to pay for an extended period of time, then the school will sue her for the money and it will only affect her credit

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