Who is more anti-semetic; people who deny the holocaust based on a lack of scientific evidence or the state of?

Israel which bombs, tortures and murders the ‘Semitic’ Palestinians on a regular basis for having the audacity to remain on their own land?

âś… Answers

  • Answerer 1


  • Answerer 2

    The fools who deny the holocaust because so many of the victims were Jews and because they still hang in to primitive prejudice of their ‘prophet’.

    Of course the culture and countries that creates such haters were also allies of Hitler.

    Scientific evidence?

    It is beyond pathetic in 2013 that the terminally uneducatable ask for such evidence – when presented with it they deny it anyway as it dies not fit in with their tradition of hate.

    They also deny Muslim terrorism and Muslim atrocities as a matter of course.

    Their latest mantra is ‘false flag operations’… Laughable on its desperate attempt to ignore the sickening truth.

    It galls them no end that Israel thrives and is a world leader in many fields. Just what has the Muslim world accomplished in the last millennium?

    You can’t educate the stupid – so why bother trying?
    Just laugh at their stupidity and let them know how ridiculous they are.
    Oh and Palestinians – they could always go back to Jordan where so many came from.

    Lol …. Cornellius – hundreds of years ago – what have they done recently? Anything ? As you say ‘the
    beginning of the LAST millennium’ …. Israel has achieved plenty in the last FEW decades.

    Lol… It is those who tell us of great Muslim achievements who have warped views of history – and
    of course you have antagonism to Jews – why pretend otherwise?

    As for NO evidence of the holocaust – if that is REALLY what you think I suggest you read a few books and visit a few concentration camps. But of course you won’t.

    Easier to wear bigoted blinkers and live in denial eh?

  • Answerer 3

    if western muslims accept third and fourth generation Israeli immigrants can be repatriated they also accept they can be 🙂 …oh noooo nooo now that’s different somehow isn’t it…

  • Answerer 4

    There is no ‘lack of evidence’ that the Holocaust occurred. The people who deny it are simply choosing to ignore the mountain of evidence that exists.

    Your’re reflexive Israel bashing is not worthy of a response.

  • Answerer 5

    It is so painfully true, what they say. There are none who are so wretchedly blind as those who steadfastly refuse to open their prejudiced eyes, and witness all the filthy evil in this world. May we have your eye sight checked? Your historical vision seems to be quite impaired..

  • Answerer 6

    There is such a hypocrisy. How can you say “never again” when there is genocide occurring all over the world especially at the hands of the same peoples whose ancestors died in the holocaust onto the Palestinian people.

  • Answerer 7

    Imagine Israel ran by Hezbolla or Hamas lol it would be another muslim basket case of a country.

    Egypt,Syria,Pakistan,Afghanistan etc ,etc,etc.

  • Answerer 8

    I’m not against emetics – they are fine in their place . But history is not science – it is just being old and wise.

    could not resist a cheap comment .
    next time use spell check..

  • Answerer 9

    The fact that both the Holocaust and the war in Palestine happened by the hands of the same people.

    Obviously the War in Palestine is wrong, but the Holocaust is wrong as well.

    Israel bombings are because of the Israeli Government, just wondering who put those people up there. The same people that are against them.

    Same reason why you say Saddam had weapons and all that, but who gave those weapons to Saddam during that Gulf War? The same people who then caused a war with Iraq, right?

    The real Countries are those that do not get involved with power struggles. It was obvious that Israel was going to “give in” to power, after they were made powerless and victims by the Germans, Italians and English. After all, if you think about, Hitler himself joined those who caused him all the troubles in his life.

    it’s cos some humans believe power is what counts, they do not realize, real power lies in their morals and that is the only thing can preserve our species. Obviously, these people fail logic.

    In a few words, Evil exists everywhere.

  • Answerer 10

    In Answer to Dorothy’s statement

    “Just what has the Muslim world accomplished in the last millennium?”

    Scientific method.

    Just some of the accomplishments and modern sciences which can be traced back to Persia and the middle east at the beginning of the last millennium, when we in the west were still burning scientists for heresy. Remember that the wise men who visited Jesus in the stable came from the east, not the west.

    Dorothy you used the word millennium, actually it goes back a lot further than that, you can also add to the list Medicine and Architecture.

    I have no truck for the clowns who deny the holocaust, please don’t lump me in with them just because I point out that much of our achievements today can be traced back to the people you disparage.

    Here is a much more expansive list.


  • Answerer 11

    Great question, ASK THEM!

    Apparently I’m also anti-Semitic because I yearn for the Palestinians to regain the land that “Israel” stole from them and everyday I hope that Israel will return to the land whence they came be it Germany or Austria or whichever other European country it was.

    Anyone who thinks this is OK needs help.


    Good job, keep it up.

  • Answerer 12

    This is a complex topic and Israel and Palestine are both
    guilty of going to war with each other and treating each other
    in bad ways, but not every Israel/Jew or Palestinian/Arab is a
    bad person.

    Keep denying the Holocaust, keep denying all the evidence
    for it, the movies and photos of death camps taken by the
    Germans, Allies and Russians, keep denying eyewitness
    testimony from not only Jewish survivors but also the Germans
    themselves, Russians, Poles, Catholics, Priests, Allied and British
    POW’s, the Sonderkammando and others.

    Also: Aktion 15

    Under the code name “Aktion 15” the Germans tried to cover all tracks of Nazi extermination policy in the east, by opening mass graves and cremating hundreds of thousands of bodies.

    The code name had its origin in the file number 15, used in the related correspondence between Gestapo chief SS-GruppenfĂĽhrer Heinrich MĂĽller and Martin Luther, member of the foreign office. All units involved were given the name “Sonderkommando 15” (special command 15).
    The action was planned in early 1942 for three reasons:

    1. The Allies had obtained knowledge of German mass murder.

    2. The rapidly buried victims of mass shootings and gassings became a health problem. In Chelmno, Auschwitz-Birkenau , the Aktion Reinhard camps, and other killing sites (Einsatzgruppen) the bodies were buried in communal graves. Very quickly, the authorities questioned this method of disposing of the corpses. Near the two first gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau (Bunkers I and II) the summer sun caused the corpses to swell. The surface burst open, and a black foul smelling substance appeared, contaminating the ground water. The horrible stench attracted millions of flies, and the whole region suffered as a consequence. The same happened at several other sites, since the summer of 1942 was extremely hot.

    3. The Nazis thought that future generations might not understand the mass killings.


    p.s. Firstly we have Nazi documentation such as as in the Korherr Report, which gave the status of the Final Solution through December, 1942. The Korherr Report compiled by an SS statistician, gave a conservative total of 2,454,0 Jews deported to extermination camps or killed by the Einsatzgruppen.

    The complete status reports of the Einsatzgruppen death squads were found in the archives of the Gestapo when it was searched by the U.S. Army, and the accuracy attested to by the former Einsatzgruppen members who testified during war crime trials and at other times. These reports alone list an additional 1,5,0 or so murders during mass shootings, the vast majority of these victims were Jews.

    The Höfle Telegram was sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle on January 11, 1943 to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin and detailed the number of deaths of Jews in the concentration camps. In the year 1942 alone, the telegram lists 1,274,166 Jews were exterminated.

    Census numbers which looked at the number of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe is also a source used. The figured reveal that the total Jewish population of the world had decreased by one-third from about 16,6,0 in 1939 to about 11,0,0 in 1946 as the result of the annihilation by the Nazis of more than five and a half million European Jews.
    This was also backed up by evidence used in the Nuremberg trial, and other evidence.

    Finally we have family records and testimonies. These used survivor testimonies to find out who lost family and friends.

    The number of Jews and others killed is not an exact number but is is a close approximation


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