Did Canada’s involvement in the Afghanistan war bring any positive change to the country?

I want to know if all the time ad effort put into Afghanistan by Canada brought any positive changes, I also want to know of the negativity that Canada being there has brought or the no change at all.

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  • In terms of positive changes it was moderately successful. It allowed the predominate military force of American occupiers to divert some of their assets away from annoying security roles as the Canadian soldiers took them on.

    The whole purpose of Canada being involved in the “Afghanistan Mission” as it is called is convoluted.
    The Canadian media (part and parcel of the corporate owned US media in some instances) states the mission was to drive out terrorism, be it the ruling Taliban prior the US invasion or the al Qaeda network; a clandestine supported US organization of the mudjadeen (sic).

    In fact, the Canadian presence along with other lesser nations is to cement their right within the multinational framework of American oil cartels, a stake in cheap supply of oil, both in terms of production and money from royalties of the oil pipelines.

    You must understand the reason any foreign country military in Afghanistan is not about terror, it’s all about the trans Afghan oil pipelines and preventing the Russians any piece of this economic powerhouse.

    The negativity is Canada, once heralded as a diplomatic peaceful country has now blood on it’s hands now that corporations dictates government policy, no different than the US.

  • I don’t think any countrys presence in Afghanistan brought any positive change to Afghanistan.

    The foreign forces should have focused on taking out Al Qaida leaders. Instead they killed an enormous number of civilians.

    Theres a dispute about the actual number of people killed in Afghanistan. People often talk about a hundred thousand. THe Australian Gideon Polya says it could be over 4 millions! Is he a conspiracy theorist? He could be right, because the white house could be trying to pull the number downwards. I think they did so during the Vietnam war.

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