Why can’t people get married and still be under parents’ financial care?

This could especially apply to India, where people are well into their 20s but they still have to go to college and acquire better qualifications. Unfortunately because of this, people hold off their marriage until late 20s or early 30s.

Until then, most of Indian youth are sex deprived…because let’s face it. Any programmes that would enable youth to have a healthy sex life before marriage (speed dating, promenades etc) would be met with heavy opposition from right-wing lunatics.

So instead, why not create an alternate paradigm where everybody is happy? At least, young people could get engaged and remain so, until their education is over. Once they get jobs and pay off their loans, they could get married.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I think the solutions suggested to have early sex life for boys is unacceptable. How long the parents will bear the burden. Remember, tomorrow you would also become a parent.
  • Firstly, an opposition to premarital relations isn’t only held by “right wing lunatics.” In fact, I consider myself extremely politically liberal and permissive, yet I personally am very conservative. Furthermore, there are social, emotional/psychological, and medical benefits to holding certain sexual mores that far outweigh the consequences. Secondly, acting as an adult comes with certain responsibilities. Once you marry, your new family becomes your responsibility, and and if you have children,they become your dependents. If you’re old enough to do adult things, you’re old enough to show responsibility for them.

    I don’t know which area of India you come from, but I find it’s still generally accepted that men can remain in their parents household, so that even in the most traditional homes, contributions are divided amongst his parents/himself.

    Furthermore, it’s common sense that should people wait until they can shoulder the weight of responsibility for their actions. The brain is not fully developed until around the age of 25, and the younger a person is, the more likely they are to make stupid decisions and contract STDS or find themselves facing certain health problems.

    Just one example: young women have an immature cervix with an overly exposed transformation zone, meaning that even with the use of condoms they are far more susceptible to contract viruses like HPV which ultimately can cause cancer. This fact, in combination with a relatively high rate of death from cervical cancer in India (cervical cancer is the second most common cancer related cause of death globally and Indian cases constitute 30% of them) and a relatively low level of access for preventative gynecological care for the average woman, makes your assessment of opposition to premarital relations/promiscuity as baseless or “right wing,” pretty downright offensive.

    However, once a young adult has neurologically developed (mid-20’s) poor decision making and a chance of exposure to/contracting these problems is greatly diminished simply because of their age.

    Sometimes there’s an actual rational reason why people believe in certain restrictions or codes of conduct. Whether due to ignorance or a failure to understand them, doesn’t mean they’re inherently irrational or born from conservatism. Hopefully you’ll do a little research on these issues rather than simply being angry because you can’t “have it all,” when you don’t want to do any of the work for it.

    Educated tree hugging hippy liberal desi larki

  • Child marriages was in practice in India before, modern society criticized that practice and abolished it.

    When it was in practice some people opposed it.
    When it is not in practice you want to reintroduce it.

  • They can.

    However you would be introducing a completely new social construct.

    Few people like change, especially when it doesn’t really benefit them all that much.

  • Not a wise thinking.
    Take the lead and try all your schemes.

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